St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church
2139 Enterprise Road
PO Box 32
West Alexandria, OH 45381
Office hours - Mondays and Fridays 10:00-3:00

St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church
is member in good standing with the
North American Lutheran Church and
Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ

All are welcome March 5, 2025
Seven o'clock PM
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the forty-day season of Lent. Its name is taken from the ancient biblical tradition of using ashes as a sign of repentance and human mortality. We come together this night in humble and honest reflection on our own sinfulness, that he has won for us in the cross.
How is God using St. John?
By embracing tradition we are drawn into the rich history of our Christian faith and we are reminded of our place in God's story of being saved from our own sin through faith is Christ. We would like to share that with you by inviting you to worship services at St. John.
Thank you for visiting St John's website!
May the peace of Christ find a home in your heart!
Welcome to St. John
On behalf of St. John Lutheran Church we want to welcome you (even before you get here!) as you explore our website.Â
We hope you’ll find this a helpful tool in discovering a little of what our church is about. But for as much as we appreciate our website we continue to believe that the Christian faith is centered around the great reality of a personal God who has entered our world in Jesus Christ. We want to encourage you to come and visit and introduce yourself to us. Nothing can take the place of a personal encounter and relationship.  Blessings in Christ to you!

We are an active and vital congregation of Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ and the North American Lutheran Church. St. John is committed to the lifelong process of becoming followers (disciples) of Jesus Christ. Visit us and we hope you will see signs of welcome, signs of remembrance of who we are as God’s children, and signs of the community of God’s people. We love seeing people of all ages coming together in worship, learning, and living lives of holy service.
As His disciples, we are called to Meet God in our everyday lives. St. John seeks to provide a place and opportunities for that to happen.

Warm smiles and greetings are shared by our members and ushers each Sunday morning as guests arrive for worship. Conversation fills the narthex as people make their way into the sanctuary to the sound of musical preludes that are enjoyed before service begins.

Built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone. 21 In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord. 22 And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit.
Ephesians 2:20-22 New International Version (NIV)
If you're new to St. John or you're considering joining us for a worship service, our doors are open to all.
We're a place to explore Christianity in a comfortable environment,
regardless of where you are on your spiritual journey.
We hope you will be warmly welcomed and feel at home.
We have a “come as you are” atmosphere, so dress casual, if you like.
If you have any questions before or after the service, please don’t hesitate to ask the person next to you.
You'll find people here eager to help in anyway they can.
A Welcome Folder is available for you by our Guest Book as you enter the sanctuary.
Contact Us
St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church
2139 Enterprise Road
P.O. Box 32
West Alexandria, OH 45381