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St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church
2139 Enterprise Road
PO Box 32
West Alexandria, OH 45381
Office hours - Mondays and Fridays 10:00-3:00

St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church
is member in good standing with the
North American Lutheran Church and
Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ

Worship at St. John Lutheran Church
Sundays at 10:00 am
Midweek services during Advent and Lent are on Wednesdays at 7:00 PM
Services: Welcome
Christian Education

Adult Sunday School
For adults ages 18 and older. Meet in the Parish Hall at 9:00 AM before worship.
Services: Join Us
Become a Part of Our Family
Our worship life is rich and varied, with regularly scheduled Sunday service. The 10:00 a.m. service follows the traditional pattern of the Evangelical Lutheran Worship, accompanied by the organ and piano.
All are welcome in worship. Period. Undergirding this welcome are a variety of aids and experiences for every season of life. Parents (and grandparents, guardians, etc.) with young children have options: bringing your child to church with you, or leaving your child in the nursery located in the lower level. If you choose to utilize the nursery, it is available immediately following the Gospel lesson.
For those with limited eyesight there are large print bulletins. Just ask one of the ushers.
Services: Text
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